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Wheel of Life

The definition of balance is unique to each individual; what may be satisfying or balanced for some may not be so for others. The Wheel of Life exercise is a way for you to take a look at each facet of your life and rate its relative quality level. By getting this "helicopter" view of your life, you can start to discover where the gaps are between where you are today and where you want to be.

Download this spreadsheet, enter your ratings, and automatically see your wheel graphically.

Download ~ Wheel of Life Exercise

Self-Regulation Wheel of Life

The definition of balance is unique to each individual; what may be satisfying or balanced for some may not be so for others. The Wheel of Life exercise is a way for you to look at each facet of your life related to self-regulation topics and rate relative quality level. By getting this "helicopter" view of your life, you can start to discover where the gaps are between where you are today and where you want to be. Download this spreadsheet, enter your ratings, and automatically see your wheel graphically.

Download ~Self-Regulation Wheel of Life Exercise

The Model of Change ~ Prochaska and DiClemente

Making a change is hard even if you know it will help you thrive! This infographic will give you a leg up in understanding where you, your loved one, or your client are in the change process. Once you know what stage of change fits, you know how to create supports and tools. You can excel at changing to thrive.

Download ~The Stages of Change Infographic
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